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Sick Obsession: A Twisted Love Story Page 3

  “That would be fine,” Darrius agreed.

  “Great! What would be a good time for you?” Nelson asked.

  “How does 8:30 sound?” Darrius said.

  “Sounds good Mr. Jackson, I will see you at 8:30 tonight,” Nelson said and hung up the phone. Darrius put the phone back on the receiver, excited and happy for the chance to possibly do business with someone who could bring in more business for his company. At that moment Darrius realized that he didn’t give Nelson his address.

  “Martha,” Darrius called out.


  That man, that man! Lizeth thought to herself as she sat in her car in front of her house. The thought of what just happened to her in her husband’s office brought a smile to her face. Her phone buzzed, letting her know she had a text message. It was a text from Darrius. “Oh he wants round two,” Lizeth said, opening the text.

  “Hey, babe I really enjoyed that afternoon special with you. Lol but I have a potential client coming over for dinner around 8: 30 so make dinner extra special tonight. Thanks!”

  He has some damn nerve, Lizeth thought to herself as she got out of her car. Lizeth walked inside of her house and went upstairs. “Dinner will have to wait,” Lizeth muttered as she started a hot bath for herself. Her body was sore after that run in with Darrius, her body needed this soak.

  Lizeth finally got out of the hot tub and headed downstairs to prepare a dinner. Now what am I going to cook with such short notice ?she wondered as she glanced in her refrigerator. I know what I can do! I will invite Sam over because I cannot deal with this on my own, Lizeth thought as she picked up her phone and called Sam. Sam did not answer so she left a voicemail and then sent her a text. Moments later Sam text back saying she would be over shortly. At least with Sam there she wouldn’t have to do this dinner alone. Lizeth went into the kitchen to see what she had. She looked for something simple since she didn’t have much notice or time to prepare. She decided on some boneless chicken with asparagus and mashed potatoes.

  Ding, Dong!

  That must be Sam, she got here rather quickly, Lizeth thought as she was putting her chicken into the oven. “I am coming,” Lizeth yelled. Lizeth ran to the front door to find Sam standing there with a bottle of wine in her hand.

  “Hey girl,” Sam greeted her, entering the house.

  “Hey,” Lizeth said back, giving her a hug.

  “I am so happy you came,” Lizeth said.

  “Girl I know how you feel when you get hit with something at the last minute,” Sam laughed.

  “I know right, no notice!” Lizeth said as they walked toward the kitchen.

  "So who is the person coming over?" Sam asked.

  “I am not sure, he didn’t say,” Lizeth answered.

  “Oh okay,” Sam shrugged.

  “Anyway, I had an eventful day,” Lizeth said as she placed the wine into the fridge to get cool.

  “You did?” Sam said.

  “Yes! I decided to surprise Darrius at work today,” Lizeth told her.

  “Really, how did that go?” Sam asked.

  “Well before I went up there I called and the secretary told me he was not there. I didn’t want to go up there and he not be there, so I called back six times,” Lizeth said.

  “So where was he?” Sam asked slyly.

  “He said he took his lunch late,” Lizeth said. “Then I just went up there because I got tired of calling.”

  “Okay, so what happened when you got there?” Sam asked.

  “Well for one, the secretary didn’t have a clue as to who I was,” Lizeth said.

  “How is that possible?” Sam asked.

  “Well I never really went up there before,” Lizeth said.

  “That’s weird. It’s your husband’s company. How did you manage that?”Sam asked.

  “I don’t know,” Lizeth sighed.

  “Some support you are!” Sam said, rolling her eyes.

  “What?” Lizeth asked, in defensive mode.

  “Oh I am just joking girl,” Sam laughed.

  “Well I never had a reason to, but back to what I was saying,” Lizeth said, trying to finish her story. “It was a mess and we got into it for a few minutes because she wouldn’t let me in his office,” Lizeth said.

  “Can you blame her?” Sam asked.

  “Bitch, whose side are you on?” Lizeth scolded. Sam shook her head and smiled.

  “Anyway,” Lizeth continued. “Darrius got there and he and I got into it, then we really got into it in his office if you know what I mean,” Lizeth smiled.

  “No, what do you mean?” Sam asked.

  Lizeth gave Sam a puzzled look and shook her head. “Well I will put it so you can understand. He fucked me good in his office!” Lizeth grinned.

  “You so nasty!” Sam said.

  “He loves it,” Lizeth shrugged.

  “Girl, can you pour me a glass of wine or something? This conversation is getting a little too nasty for me,” Sam said.

  “Since when was that an issue?”Lizeth said as she walked over to the fridge to retrieve some wine she had previously opened.

  Sam grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. “Was Darrius upset when you showed up?” Sam asked.

  “Yes, but for only a second,” Lizeth said.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t pop up on him like that, he might not like surprises,” Sam advised.

  “Are you okay? That’s my husband, he loves surprises,” Lizeth said.

  “Well you just said he was upset,” Sam reminded her.

  “Yes for a second, but he got over it once he got in between these legs,” Lizeth said amusingly.

  “Could you please stop talking about having sex with Darrius?” Sam snapped.

  Lizeth looked at Sam and her face was unreadable. “What’s wrong with you?” Lizeth asked.

  “Nothing, I just don’t think it’s necessary for you to talk about your sex life with Darrius,” Sam said.

  “What? You can’t be serious!” Lizeth said.

  “I am! How do you think he would feel if he knew you did that?” Sam said.

  “Wait, since when did you care about how Darrius felt?” Lizeth asked.

  “I don’t, I’m just saying,” Sam said.

  “Yeah I bet. But let me be concerned for my husband, not you,” Lizeth said.

  “Fine,” Sam said.

  “You are acting strange,” Lizeth said.

  “No, it’s just that I don’t want to hear about you and your husband’s sex life,” Sam said wryly.

  “Well I understand that, but I was starting to think you had a thing for my husband,” Lizeth said jokingly. Sam nearly spit her wine out her mouth.

  “That is crazy,” Sam said nervously as she cleaned her mouth.

  “I was just kidding girl,” Lizeth said.

  “Well I did not find that funny,” Sam said with an attitude.

  “Please, you may need to stop drinking that wine, you extra sensitive tonight,” Lizeth said.

  Sam rolled her eyes at her. “Whatever,” Sam mumbled, looking down at her phone.

  “Are you expecting a call?” Lizeth asked as she noticed Sam checking her phone yet again.

  “Uhmm, no... What are you talking about?” Sam replied.

  “I’ve noticed that you have checked your phone a few times since you walked in the door,” Lizeth said.

  “No I haven’t, I am just looking at the time,” Sam said.

  “Oh is that what it is? If you have somewhere to be, then go,” Lizeth said.

  “If I have somewhere to be, why are you jumping down my throat?” Sam asked.

  “I am not jumping down your throat. All I said is if you have somewhere to be then go ahead!” Lizeth yelled.

  Sam closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Please don’t yell at me again,” Sam said calmly.

  Lizeth rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. “Yeah whatever,” Lizeth said as she went to the stove to turn off her food. “I don’t know what your issue is but you need to chill
,” Lizeth said as she turned around to see Sam standing right behind her, which startled her.

  “I don’t have an issue, maybe you do,” Sam said with a blank stare. Lizeth backed up into the stove to get a little space between her and Sam. She was so close that Lizeth could hear her breathing. Her hands started shaking. “What is my issue?” Lizeth asked, staring into Sam’s face.

  Sam did not say anything she just had an absent look on her face. “Oh never mind, I was just playing,” Sam said as she backed up. “Just for future reference I don’t care to hear about you having sex with your husband,” Sam said.

  “You make it seem like I went into details!” Lizeth said.

  “Still, some things are to be shared between a husband and wife only,” Sam said.

  “I guess,” Lizeth shrugged. Sam’s phone started to vibrate uncontrollably. “Are you going to answer that?” Lizeth asked her, gesturing to her cell phone.

  “Oh yeah, I will call them back. So when does Darrius get off?” Sam asked.

  “Five,” Lizeth answered.

  “Oh,” Sam said.

  “What time do you have?” Lizeth asked.

  “I got 5:15,” Sam answered.

  “Oh he should be pulling up in few minutes,” Lizeth said. Sam’s phone started to vibrate even more.

  “Well it looks like I won’t be able to stay after all. I got something I need to do,” Sam said.

  “Oh okay, it sounds important,” Lizeth said.

  “It is, I will call you later,” Sam said as she rushed out the kitchen.

  I can’t say I am mad to see her go, Lizeth thought, thinking on how close she was standing behind her. Oh well, let me get my dinner out the oven. As she placed the food on the counter she noticed her large butcher knife on the counter that wasn’t there before. Where did that come from? she wondered. She shrugged it off and proceeded to prepare dinner.

  Chapter 3

  Darrius walked into the house to get ready for his dinner with Nelson. When he walked into the kitchen he found Lizeth sitting there with a glass of wine, staring straight ahead. She looked as if she were puzzled about something. Darrius walked over to her, placed his hands around her waist and kissed her on her neck.

  “Hey baby,” he greeted her.

  “Hey,” Lizeth said.

  “Is something wrong?” Darrius asked.

  “I have to get ready,” Lizeth said as she walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to get dressed. Darrius followed her upstairs to their bedroom.

  “What’s wrong?” Darrius asked again.

  Lizeth shrugged her shoulders, shook her head as if to say nothing and walked inside of her massive walk-in closet.

  Darrius’ shoulder started to tighten up, even the air in the room felt thick. Something is up, Darrius thought, but he knew he did not want to get into it with Lizeth before dinner with Nelson. However, he knew he had to say something or whatever it was would only get worse.

  “Did I do something?” Darrius asked.

  Lizeth walked out of her closet. “No,” she responded.

  “Well what’s wrong?” Darrius asked.

  “Nothing, we can talk about it later,” Lizeth said as she went back into the closet.

  “Ok, well I am about to go take a quick shower and get ready,” Darrius said, walking toward the bathroom.

  Lizeth got dressed and went back downstairs to finish preparing dinner. She was starting to feel the wine she had been drinking. Lizeth put on some soft music while she prepared everything. She was so into what she was doing that she did not hear Darrius walk into the dining room talking to her.“Lizeth did you hear me?” Darrius asked.

  “What did you say? I didn’t see you there,” Lizeth said.

  “I said everything looks nice,” Darrius assured.

  “Oh thank you, I do try,” Lizeth smiled.

  “Well I will be back. I’m about to go to the wine cellar and get a nice bottle of wine,” Darrius said as he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

  “All right, you might need to bring up more than one,” Lizeth called after him.

  It was about 8:25 when the door bell rung. Lizeth was just finishing placing all the dinnerware onto the table. Darrius was still in the wine cellar getting some wine to drink. She went to answer the door and once she opened it she found a very attractive man standing there. He had a light complexion, dark hair and a build that was similar to Darrius, very athletic.

  “I take it that you’re Mr. Carter?” Lizeth greeted him, opening the door wider to let him in.

  “Yes I am, and please call me Nelson,” Nelson smiled.

  “Sure thing,” she replied as she motioned for him to come in.

  “Well you have a lovely home,” Nelson complimented as he entered, looking around.

  “Thank you,” Lizeth said. “Would you like me to take your coat and maybe get you something to drink?" Lizeth asked.

  “That would be fine Mrs. Jackson.”

  “You can call me Lizeth, you don’t have to be so formal,” Lizeth said with a laugh. “I will take your coat and get you that drink, as well as find my husband,” Lizeth said.

  “Thank you,” Nelson said.

  Darrius retrieved the bottles of wine from his cellar, which was a collection of the best of the best as far as wine went. He took the bottles into the kitchen to Lizeth and she informed him that Nelson was in the living room. He walked into the living room to greet Nelson who was standing near his window looking out.

  “Good Afternoon Nelson,” Darrius said. Nelson turned around and extended his hand to Darrius.

  “Good Afternoon Mr. Jackson, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Nelson said.

  “Likewise, please call me Darrius,” Darrius said as he shook his hand.“Please have a seat, ”he offered, gesturing to the sofa.

  “So Darrius, you have a lovely home and a beautiful wife, tell me how a man like you keeps it all together?” Nelson asked.

  “Well, I do value hard work in whatever it is that I do, whether it’s work or marriage,” Darrius said.

  “That’s a good way to be, and that’s exactly why I wanted the chance to meet with you,” Nelson said. “I find that a man who has honor, respect for family and a strong work ethic is a great plus and that’s the kind of person I would like to work with,” Nelson said.

  “I agree with you on that and thanks for the compliment,” Darrius said.

  Lizeth walked in carrying a tray with drinks on it. “Here are those drinks for you gentlemen,” Lizeth said.“Dinner should be ready in a few more minutes,” she added.

  Both men smiled as she placed the tray down and left the room. Darrius noticed how calm Lizeth was. Maybe she has had too much to drink. I just hope she can keep it together tonight, he thought.

  “Tell me how you two met. Were you in college?” Nelson asked.

  "Well yes, that’s exactly where we met," Darrius replied. “That was a good guess,” Darrius stated.

  “Well Darrius, I like to know who I may be dealing with so I do a little research. I am sure that you did the same on me,” Nelson said, drinking his wine and staring over the rim of the glass at him. Darrius was unsure of what to feel about that or if it was becoming something weird.

  "Yes, you’re right, I did do my research on you. Only routine things, like wanting to know what it is your working on, but never worrying about your personal life," Darrius emphasized.

  "So what did you find out about me Darrius?" Nelson asked as he placed his drink down.

  "Well for starters, you love to give back to the community, most of your projects are to help areas that could use support and you have banks that are located all over the world," Darrius answered.

  “Correct, and I am a strong believer in giving back. I hope I am not making you feel uncomfortable, I just like to know who a person really is,” Nelson explained.

  “I understand that, but what does a person’s personal life have to do with how they handle business?” Darrius asked.

p; “Most people’s character is really seen when they are not at their nine to five,” Nelson rationalized.“See, what you read about me is all me, there are no secrets with me. It is all out there,” Nelson said.

  “Well I think any person is entitled to some form of privacy,” Darrius said.

  “I agree with that as well, but what needs to be private if you have nothing to hide?” Nelson declared. “I do background checks on everyone I plan to do business with beforehand, that way I can really know who they are versus what they want people to know,” Nelson said.

  If he is saying what I think he is then he knows a lot more about me than he is putting on, Darrius thought.

  Nelson looked at Darrius in a serious manner. “You seem nervous Darrius.”

  “Why would I be nervous?” Darrius asked.

  “I notice that your hands are shaking and you spilled wine onto your carpet," Nelson said, pointing to the floor.

  “So what is that all about?” Lizeth said as she stood in the hallway, looking at Nelson and Darrius as they sat staring at each other until Nelson pointed to some wine on the carpet. They didn’t even notice that she was standing there listening to them. She was about to walk in to tell them that dinner was ready, but she stopped when she overheard Nelson say that Darrius seemed nervous. What is going on in here? she wondered. As long as she knew her husband there has never been anyone to make him nervous enough to spill expensive wine, but from where she was standing she could tell that Nelson did.

  “Dinner is ready,” Lizeth announced, entering into the living room. Both men stood up and walked into the dining area to a well-prepared spread. They all sat down and blessed the food and the mood went from tense to comfortable. Whatever it was that happened in the living room was long gone.

  “Nelson, do you have family around here?” Lizeth asked, not realizing that she was rather loud.

  “Sweetheart, I think you have had a little too much to drink,” Darrius said with a smile.

  “You may be right, I do apologize,” Lizeth said as she moved her half-filled glass of wine away from her.

  “I think it’s fine, it’s good to get loose sometimes, Nelson said, smiling at Lizeth. “To answer your question, I do have family around here but most of my family is in New York,” Nelson answered.